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NÛN Libraries provide learning services, books and resources that enable all individuals in the school to be able to use information effectively and think critically via all forms of media.

Libraries increase students' literacy, reading, learning, problem-solving, information and communication technology using skills levels. While their research skills are developed, lifelong learning habits are supported.

In NÛN Libraries, activities are organized to draw attention to the importance of social and cultural events. Students are given opportunities to use knowledge for the purpose of acquiring new knowledge, understanding, dreaming, having fun, and creating. Libraries are an important part of the life of our students.

There are three different libraries in NÛN Schools: one in the boys' school, one in the girls' school and the last one in the primary school campuses. Libraries are located at points where all members can easily reach. NÛN Libraries are established in the middle of the school, representing wisdom at the centre of education.

At NÛN Schools, each individual is a member of the library and is allowed to borrow publications. The libraries are open during school hours and students can use them during class hours under the supervision of the course teacher.

In our libraries, which have a total of 41,371 books and more than thirty magazine subscriptions, students can follow up-to-date content in any field they wish. NÛN School Libraries use a subject classification system and have a wide range of content belonging to different subjects such as art, literature, history, geography, language, technology, medicine, science, psychology, and philosophy. With two mobile smart boards and 11 study rooms, classes can be taught in libraries.